Monday 28 April 2014

Planning of our focus group

As a group we have planned a focus group for people to watch our movie trailer and answer our questionnaire based on our movie trailer. A focus group involves getting together a small groups from your target audience and have a conversation with them about the trailer and for them to answer a questionnaire.
From our focus group we aim to get positive feedback from our target audience about our product, we are planning to have it in the media room on a lunch time where we are having 9 people from our target audience to come and join us in watching our film and speaking to us about it. As a group we have decided that we are going to film our focus group.
We will need:
Interactive whiteboard
Copy of our film trailer

Saturday 12 April 2014

Fifth/ final draft of my poster

This is my final draft of my movie poster and I am pleased with how it has turned out, I think it meets all codes and conventions of other horror film posters, however I do think the billing block looks pretty big for what it should be. I do like how the image is edited giving it that shattered look. The blood I think makes my poster look dramatic and spooky as it spells out a young females name, on the poster no one knows if the female is the innocent girl looking in the mirror of the figure behind her. 

Friday 11 April 2014

Second draft of my magazine cover

I have changed the way the text was positioned and I have also added the actors name, personally I think it looks good as I have seen it on real media texts similar to this. I showed a few people the next stage of my magazine cover and they liked how his name was positioned under the title and also the font that I had used. I am still trying to think of a masthead for my magazine. 

Thursday 10 April 2014

Fourth draft of my poster

After having feedback from my peers I have taken on their advice and changed my image as I have described in the slideshare presentation. My next step is to create my billing block, add my social networking sites, tagline and also the films website. I am happy with how this image was taken and edited. 

Wednesday 9 April 2014

First draft of my magazine cover

This is my first draft of my music magazine cover, I am happy with the way the actor is modelled and positioned, however I do not like the positioning of the words. I need to add my masthead for my magazine. I have shown my magazine to a small focus group who gave me ideas on what I can change. They also told me what they did not like about my magazine cover and one member of the audience said the line underneath 'Shattered' did not look right. I will listen to the feedback I received and work upon it. 

Saturday 5 April 2014

Movie poster presentation

After giving the presentation to peers in my class and teacher I had good feedback which I am going to listen to, for example they said the image was good however it did not look like the female in the front looked scared by the figure behind her. They gave me ideas which I could use for example use blood on the mirror, have a shocked open face. I also criticised my draft of my poster because of the scenery behind the mirror, it takes away the idea of the mirror, for my next shoot of this photo I am going to add blood on the mirror, have a shocked face and also get rid of the background. I thought the criticism I received off peers was very helpful and will help me in the redrafting process. After redrafting my poster I am going to show my target audience and see what they think about the poster and what story it shows.