Tuesday 5 November 2013

Trailer shots

As a group we split our trailer plot in to three sections this helped us while we were planning our story board it gave us a clear and better understanding how we wanted our shots to plan out. 

Trailer plot shots!

First 30 shots- Establishes the friendships between Katie and the students, they are all living normal student lives. Katie gives them a tour around her home to show that it is her old family home that the students are moving into. Lucas one of the students in the house finds a diary upstairs which has the name Helena on the front page. He leaves it in Katie’s room on the desk by a picture of her parents. Matthew speaks to Katie about her mother’s death in prison saying how sorry he was for her but it was nice that her parents left her their home.

Second 30 shots- The objects in the house are being broken; the diary is seen again in the room which has been trashed. A mirror is broken in front of Katie’s face. There are footsteps throughout the house. It goes quiet and then Lucas, Katie and Lucy all scream out Matthews’s name. A figure is seen falling and blood can be seen spreading through the door.
A baby is heard crying upstairs and Lucas runs up to see them. Singing can be heard downstairs by Lucy and Lucas.

Final 30 shots- Lucas is seen running towards the house. A female is seen hidden in the dark holding a knife and then there is a scream. Lucas’s screams Katie’s name and runs in through the door and picks up the diary. It appears that Matthew is pushed out of the house and a car is seen speeding.

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