Monday 11 November 2013

Our film trailer planning

We have chosen our actors on the basis of our trailer, we need them to have different but similar personalitys as we need to show them being able to get along with each other living in there second year on university. We need to show them having a good bond and trust due to what happens in our plot. As a group we have chosen people our own age, two of us (me and Jordan) are acting in the trailer, there will be a house of 4, 2 girls and 2 boys. The costumes we will be using is also another important part of our film trailer because it identifies who people are and the type of person they may be.


Jordan- Lucas

Ffion- Katie

Tessa- Sophie/ Lucy 

Jack- Matt

Props and costumes:

Katie wears dark clothes which are different for the initial scenes.

The three students wear normal clothing throughout, however as is the case with Katie they will wear the same clothes for the final scenes.
Jack- Sport clothes; tracksuit bottoms and a hoody
Tessa- Day to day clothes, stereotypical of a university girl
Jordan- Laid back, chilled clothes.. skinny jeans

Our main prop is the diary, this is what our film is based around, we want to leave the audience wondering who is doing it, why is it happening and what has caused it to happen.
As a group we are going to take time in making the diary making it look real and give it that scary feeling maybe by adding the spiderweb look showing its old/ dainty. 
Our other props are the typical student life props such as drink bottles, games, work books, food everywhere.
A mirror which gets broken and vases will be presenting in the haunting scenes, vases get broken

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