Saturday 22 March 2014

Third draft of my movie poster

I thought I would conform to codes and conventions of horror poster and add an effect to my poster, personally I thought it looked well. However it does take a lot from the poster image and is quite a bit white space. The only issue with this draft is that it did not allow me to add my billing block, I am going to present this to my peers in my class who are part of my target audience and see what they think about it and listen to their feedback. 

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Second draft of my movie poster

This is my second draft of my poster,  I have added Facebook and twitter as social network advertisements because not only does it fit in with my target audience it is a good way of advertising the film trailer. I have noticed that the tag line at the top is not clear enough to be able to read it, however personally I think the tag line is good because it intrigues the audience into wanting to watch the film. 

Saturday 15 March 2014

First draft of my movie poster

This is my first draft of my movie poster, as you can see it is missing important parts such as the billing block, advertisements, tag lines and actors names. My next step is to include all of these to conform to the codes and conventions of similar genre posters. I am not totally happy with my image but I am going to present it to my class early April to see what they think about it and take on the feedback they give me to how I can make my poster photo better. 

Wednesday 12 March 2014

film poster analysis

(during my sketch drafting of poster)

I chose to base my idea of my poster on this girls face and her facial expressions. I also like the positioning of the title of the film which is underneath the photo, when I redraft my poster I am going to place my title in a similar place as it looks more effective as it does not reduce the audience view of the image. I quite like the idea of the girl on my poster looking shocked and ‘shattered’ however if I just showed her face on the poster I am not sure it will look as effective as this poster as I am not sure it would get the plot across to the audience.
I asked someone in the public aged 40 what they thought of my poster and how it came across to them, they gave me good feed back and also criticism which I needed in order to improve my poster. Some of the feedback she gave to me was the idea of the font of the title being shattered is good and strong, the image is a strong image and the facial expression on the girl really represents the title however if you make the girl look more ‘shattered’ it may give a better effect.  They also said if I had my title underneath my image it would emphasize the image. She also thought the billing block at the bottom of the poster was ideal and was small enough, it does not take away the main image. They also gave me suggestions such as the date of release, main actors, twitter and facebook.

For my next draft I am going to get the ideas of the image and title position from the poster above, I think it is clear and effective. I think the colour on this poster works effective for a horror movie poster, while I was looking at movie posters I noticed the majority of them use blue, red, white and black. I am going to stick to these colours, my main colour I am planning to use is red! The colour red indicates the colour of blood which gives the reader the impression of the horror including blood. However I do not want to over excessively use the colour red as there is not much blood in our movie trailer.